History of NZ Group A's
Here's some real trainspotter's stuff!!
I recently had an opportunity to speak to the initial owner of my car who is the Sales Manager at Albany Toyota in Auckland. He was involved with the initial sales of the Group A models.
There were only five cars imported, all to Australian specification. He had the choice of getting a red one or my blue one, and went for the blue because of the leather which the red one lacked. He said they all took time to sell (no surprise at NZ$96000!!) and some moved round dealerships. I remember the red one in Christchurch but he said it sold in Wellington after being moved down from Auckland.
Anyway, the five cars are:
Blue - currently in Auckland, sold new by
Albany Toyota.
Red - currently in Auckland, over 140000kms on the clock.
Silver - currently in Auckland, sold new by Giltrap Toyota.
Grey - I've seen it a couple of times at Taupo racetrack, not sure of location.
White - dunno, the elusive one.
And that's it, one of the rarest models of car in the country.